Tuesday, December 31, 2024

beaded animals - gyöngyfűzött állatok

 first of all, i would like to thank a girlfriend of mine for making this possible, by buying the book.
so, before, when i was talking about bead animals, i thought of creations made from wire and a few beads, well mostly wire. there was also an option of creations made with nylon thread. but now, it's all about beading with wire.

stocking flowers - harisnya virágok

 this one is one of my favorites, flowers made of stockings and wire. it's easy to make and there are so many variations and possibilities. after seeing them at festivals a few times now, i decided to make my own.

ez az egyik kedvencem, virágok harisnya anyagból és drótból. könnyű elkészíteni és olyan sok variáció és lehetőség van. miután párszor már láttam fesztiválokon ilyet, eldöntöttem hogy készítek magam is.